Mail to war zones
I judge very interesting this chapter from the historical point of view.The covers and envelopes in this chapter, were sent toward battle zones or place already occupied by allies. These historical-postal covers were, usually, returned to the sender, because the difficulty to cross enemy lines. In this chapter, there are no rare pieces, and high value covers will not be found, indeed, these envelopes are most common. The value of the material under exposed is nearly exclusively historical. |
special delivery cover above, was sent from Brescia on July
30, 1944 and directed to Florence. This letter was returned
to the sender why in that place were deployed allies troops
that will occupy the city on August 3.
Podestà of Littoria ( now called Latina ) never did not
receive this cover sent from Crespino, in province of Rovigo,
on August 5, 1944. That city, in fact, was already occupied
from allies since May 25, 1944. It was strange that the Authorities
of Crispino, sender of this envelope, did not know this circumstance.
The town of Rosignano was occupied by allies on July 7, 1944. The cover above was addressed to that town on October 20, 1944, so the cover was returned to the sender.